Feature & Follow Friday is a fun event hosted by Alison Can Read & Parajunkee. The purpose is to gain more followers and make new friends throughout the book blogging community. Keep in mind, though, the point is to follow other blogs also. I follow you, you follow me. :)
This week's question: How do you cure a book hangover/blogging slump/reading slump?
I try to get myself excited again by taking a much needed trip to B&N. This ALWAYS gets me excited. I love discovering new books, and I could literally be in that store for hours just finding new ones to read. They say not to judge a book by it's cover but...guilty as charged. If your books has a great-looking cover, you can betchur butt I'm gonna read the back and see if it sounds interesting. If your book is kind of lacking in the awesome cover department, I might not even pick it up (sue me). The point is, a B&N adventure can really boost my mood and get me pumped for reading again.
To participate in this blog hop, visit Alison Can Read & Parajunkee. Follow their blogs, follow the featured blog, and then follow other bloggers!
Make sure to post your info in the linky below, and leave a comment below with your link. :)