Feature & Follow Friday is a fun event hosted by Alison Can Read & Parajunkee. The purpose is to gain more followers and make new friends throughout the book blogging community. Keep in mind, though, the point is to follow other blogs also. I follow you, you follow me. :)
Post Prompt: Ten Reasons You Read Your Favorite Genre
Answer: My favorite genre is definitely YA. Why do I like it so much? In no particular order:
- It makes me feel less crappy about my life. Let's face it, times are tough for teenagers in the book world. The struggle is real.
- I have friends who like the same genre, so it's nice to be able to share books with one another, get suggestions, and chat about them.
- YA books deal with so many different issues like sexuality, gender issues, etc. so it's nice to be able to read something that encompasses real-world, practical issues.
- I was a teenager once, so I can totally relate. The ability for a book to evoke some sort of nostalgia is an amazing thing. I miss my childhood.
- They're easy reads. Of course I like challenging books, too, but it's nice to just breeze through a book and be able to move on to one of the other 500 books in my TBR pile.
- My son and I can suggest books to one another. He reads mostly YA fantasy or mystery which isn't a huge fave of mine, but I like that we can both read a book and reach a common ground. It's something we can share together.
- It's thought-provoking. I love a book where I'm left dumbfounded and spinning and wondering what the heck just happened. It's an amazing feeling!
- It's a huge genre, so if I feel like reading Fantasy with a YA twist, or Dystopian but with characters who are close to my age, I can do that. It encompasses so many types of genres within a genre.
- It makes me feel like I can overcome anything. For the most part, there's a happy ending that comes from a long struggle. Life is very much like that.
- I genuinely enjoy reading them. They're fun and exciting and most of the time I can't put the book down to the point where my husband is yelling at me wondering if I'm ever coming to bed.
So tell me - what's your favorite genre, and why do you read it?
- The goal is to increase blog followers, make friends and have something to post.
- You create your own post using the post prompt.
- You leave your link and thumbnail in the linky list that links back to your post prompt.
- Once you have your post up and linked, visit other posts and tell them hi. The point is to FOLLOW them not just comment.
- If you see a post that just hit it to the moon, or just want to show appreciation to a fellow blogger friend, to a fellow blogger friend, COME BACK AND VOTE for them on the linky list to show some appreciation.
- The person with the most VOTES gets chosen as the next Feature (you can be chosen every 90 days unless we are in need of Features).
- It is required that if you participate that you have to follow the FEATURE. It is a big no-no to participate and ignore the future. They are the special snowflake in this little blizzard.
- As a participant it is up to your discretion on how you want people to follow. Please post RSS, GFC etc if you have a follow of choice.
- Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing. You can also grab the code if you would like to insert it into your posts.
- Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say "hi" in your comments and that they are now following you.
- If you are using Wordpress or another CMS that doesn't have GFC (Google Friends Connect) say in your posts how you would like to be followed.
- Follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don't just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might now know you are a new follower if you don't say "HI".
- If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love…and the followers.