
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Review: Order of the Dimensions by Irene Helenowski

Release Date: September 14, 2012
Publisher: Self-published
Pages: 318
Format: E-book
Source: Author
Where to buy: Amazon

Summary (from Goodreads)
When Jane Kremowski first began her graduate studies in physics at Madison State University in Wisconsin, little did she know where her work would take her. Now, she is embroiled in a multitude of dimensions all leading to different outcomes. She and her colleagues therefore must act wisely in order to take and keep away the Order of Dimension from falling into the wrong hands for the sake of her loved ones.

The concept of this book really intrigued me. I love anything that has to do with time travel and alternate realities. It started off a bit slow for me but it got more interesting as I turned the pages. The characters seemed a bit flat to me, but it was nice to see them develop throughout the story. I liked the fact that the end of each chapter had a sort of cliff-hanger, and once I got started it was hard for me to put the book down. The only major issue I had was the over-explaining of certain things, such as when a character spoke. I was told the feelings of the characters, and wasn't really able to think for myself. I don't like being told everything; I enjoy the mystery behind the characters and the plot, and this story lacked that. All in all, I was really glad that I read this book and would gladly read other stories written by Irene.